Before you read the below, there may be different contact details for different products, but you will always find someone, at info@protectimus.co.za. Else feel free to reach out to us on our 24x7x365 WhatsApp number 0823060318 or 082 964 0963 or 063 574 1675
All products carry a warranty as specified by the manufacturers below. Please note warranty pertains to the original owner and is not transferable. Warranty excludes abuse and damage outside of the scope of operation of the items in question. Please keep your proof of purchase as it will be required for repair or replacement purposes.
Warranties per brand as below:
Jager - 10 Year Warranty. Log a call, with our technical team, after assessment, we will either repair or exchange
RifleBasix - Lifetime Warranty. Log a call, with our technical team, after assessment, we will either repair or exchange
Robust multitools - Lifetime Warranty. As this tool falls in a harsh usage category some exceptions may apply. These Multitools are covered by a lifetime warranty. We offer a 30 day no questions asked return policy. If you or your customers are not 100% happy simply return it undamaged in its original packaging for a full refund. If during its lifetime your tool is damaged under normal usage conditions, we gladly will repair or replace at no cost. Please note (fading or paint damage to the multicolour or black units, as well as abuse of your tools are excluded from this warranty. Normal wear and tear that occur over time is not covered under warranty, you are however welcome to contact us for advice and or a repair, where and when possible.) Simply get in contact with us at support@robusttools.co.za. Send it to our designated address for repairs and it will be repaired or replaced in no time.
Delta Optical - Lifetime Warranty. Log a call, with our technical team, after assessment, we will either repair or exchange
RBST - 2 Year warranty